In these difficult times, we, the lucky people of Western world, should not turn our shoulders to the poorest countries. As Stigilitz said : “in the world’s advanced economies, compassion should be sufficient motivation to support a multilateral response. But global action is also a matter of self-interest. As long as the pandemic is still raging anywhere, it will pose a threat – both epidemiological and economic – everywhere”. In principle, many of you may agree on this. But how can we find the resources to support the poorest countries (in a context in which the richest countries are in troubles too)? There is a tool, within the IMF, that has not been accurately considered so far, the "Special Drawing RIghts" (SDRs). Please find here the article that I published on "The Georgetown Journal of International Law", in which I propose an innovative measure to tackle the Covid-19 economic crisis, through the use of SDRs.


The research project that I carried out at the Max Planck Institute of Heidelberg on the Restructuring of Sovereign Debt has just been published on the legal journal "Diritto del Commercio Internazionale" (see: G. SALATINO, The Restructuring of Sovereign Debt, in Diritto del Commercio Internazionale, 2020, no. 2, pp. 343-402).

Starting from the experiences of Greece and Argentina, the article examines the main legal issues that may come up when an over-indebted State engages in a restructuring of sovereign debt. More in detail, I stress the unsuitability of the current legal framework.

“New” tools such as “Collective Action Clauses” (CACs) mark an important step forward, however, they neither can address all the various inefficiencies.

Considering the above, many experts long for the establishment of “a kind of” international bankruptcy procedure for States.

In the article I shed some light on the principles upon which - in my opinion - such procedure should be built. I also stress the importance of a new form of conditionality, which should not be felt as "painful" from the population of over-indebted countries (as it happened with Greece and Argentina).

The paper has been submitted to the IMF, the ESM, the EC and the ECB. I hope it may be of help to address the upcoming Covid-crisis.

L’Unione Europea è oggi alla resa dei conti con la storia. Quale direzione si deciderà di intraprendere per attraversare la crisi ed uscirne fuori? Ripercorrendo la filosofia di fondo che ha ispirato la strutturazione dell’Unione Economica e Monetaria e come sia stata riflessa nel Trattato di Maastricht, l’autore esamina gli strumenti elaborati in ambito europeo per la risoluzione delle crisi, e ne valuta l’idoneità ad affrontare l’emergenza sanitaria ed economica causata dalla diffusione del Covid-19.